First and Second Class had great fun dressing up as their favourite characters. We enjoyed a character parade where the teachers were so impressed that all participants were winners and earned a homework pass for their efforts! Our buddy reading…
Our little leprechauns busy at maths stations!
Ballintotas Times
Fourth and Fifth class have recently been looking at different kinds of newspaper reports and the different sections that make up a newspaper. We had great fun coming up with ‘fake news’ stories for our very own class newspaper. We…
School Closure
Ballintotas NS will remain closed tomorrow, Thursday 1st March and Friday 2nd March, in line with the DES directive due to the red weather alert. Also please note school closure on Monday 5th March for staff CPD. Keep safe everyone.
World Book Day 1st March 2018
A character parade will be held in the school and children are invited to come to school dressed up as a book character for the day. We encourage children to dress up using materials/items from home. It should be inexpensive.…
Mid-term Break
School Closed on February 15th/16th
4th and 5th Titanic Projects
Fourth and Fifth class worked very hard on their Titanic projects. We spent 2 weeks learning all we could about the Titanic and then the children were split into groups. Each group member had a role and the children spent…
3rd Class First Term Activities
Symmetry Maths Trail We went on a symmetry maths trail where we explored the school building and outside area to search for shapes. We found lots of interesting shapes that were symmetrical! Our ‘Up’ Art Display! Origami…
Sciath na Scol Final
Best Wishes to our Sciath na Scol Football team in the final v Inch N.S. on Wednesday 25th in Mayfield G.A.A. Ballintotas Abú!