Ballintotas National School

Aquathon Douglas May 10th

On Thursday 10th of May children from 4th, 5th and 6th took part in an Aquathon in Gus Healy swimming pool in Douglas. The Aquathon consisted of swimming 50 meters and running 400 meters. It was a non-competitive event and…

Ballintotas Times

Fourth and Fifth class have recently been looking at different kinds of newspaper reports and the different sections that make up a newspaper. We had great fun coming up with ‘fake news’ stories for our very own class newspaper. We…

Donations to Charity
Donations to Charity

Donations to Charity

€225 heading to two charities chosen by 6th class this year, Marymount Hospice and Cork Dog Action Welfare Group (D.A.W.G). Money was raised through the Halloween Magazine, confirmation donations, the talent show and the cake sale. Thank you to all…