On Friday the 21st of December, to the delight of the boys and girls, big and small, we welcomed a very special visitor indeed ….. great fun was had by all !!
Cork City Sports
Well done to all the girls and boys who took part in Cork City Sports on Friday 1st June. Everyone ran as fast as they possibly could and we had a great day.We were able to see every child as…
Junior and Senior Infant School Tour 2018!
On Friday the 18th of May the Junior and Senior Infants went to The Glen Resource Centre for their school tour. They had a fantastic fun filled day in sun! Here are a few pictures of what they got up…

Sports Day
Here is a flavour of all the games we played today….big thanks to the Parents Association for doing such a wonderful job!
Fun In The Summer Sun
We had lots of fun exploring with parachutes together!!

Ballintotas N.S. Talent Show 2017
The children had a fantastic day yesterday as the sun shone down on our annual talent show! The judges faced difficult decisions as they were blown away by the musical, sporting and creative talents of our students! A huge thank you to Mr.…

Sowing Summer Seeds
We recently sowed a mix of summer flower seeds and have been very busy watering them and watching them grow every day.

Junior and Senior Infant School Tour
On Friday, Junior and Senior Infants went on their school tour to the Mardyke. We had a great fun filled day with all our friends. Here are some photos of us in action.

Visit from Tony Sheridan
Thanks to Tony Sheridan for coming to visit us today. All classes were delighted with his Irish Sign Language (ISL) lessons. It was a fantastic experience enjoyed by all!

Aistear in the Junior and Senior Infant Classroom
Junior and Senior Infants have been following the Aistear Curriculum since September. The children have been having lots of fun with their friends and learning loads through play. Here are some pictures of us hard at work.