Ballintotas National School

Message Re: Fundraiser for Orla

On behalf of Orla’s parents, Anne and Martin, we would like to thank everyone in the Ballintotis and wider community for their support and generosity in our fundraising efforts. 

We had an incredible turn out at the coffee morning and from online support. 

We will be sending the Hennessy family on their journey with the knowledge that all of their neighbours and friends wish the very best for Orla in her treatment in Crumlin. 

We would like to thank all of those who gave their time so generously to plan and organise the coffee morning; a wonderful and special group of people! 

Thank you to the local youth club, to the Ballintotis Community Council for the use of the hall. 

To the bakers, Ballintotis is in safe hands! 

To the students, teachers and parents in Ballintotis NS, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. 

To the local businesses who donated prizes for the raffle on the day, your generosity was unbelievable. 

To those who don’t know Orla or her family personally and were moved by her story and supported us, Thank you.  

There was €4250 raised overall  on Friday  and €5,300 on idonate.