We had a great day on Friday the 22nd of September at Cross Country in Castlelyons. The rain eased off and all children did great running in muddy conditions! We finished the day tired but happy with some medals to…
Welcome back to the new school year!
A very warm welcome back to school to all of our First and Second Class and all in Ballintotas N.S.! We have started the year by working hard to create some beautiful displays to make our classroom feel more like…
The Miracle of Metamorphosis!
From hungry caterpillars to captivating chrysalides and finally to beautiful butterflies, we have thoroughly enjoyed our metamorphosis project. It caught the interest of the whole school and all classes enjoyed waving off our Painted Lady butterflies today. An exciting end…
Sports Day Fun
What fantastic fun we had at our Sports Day. We enjoyed many different activities and the weather was just right!! A huge thank you to all parents and volunteers who helped in organising and running it.

Ballintotas N.S. Talent Show 2017
The children had a fantastic day yesterday as the sun shone down on our annual talent show! The judges faced difficult decisions as they were blown away by the musical, sporting and creative talents of our students! A huge thank you to Mr.…
Our School Tour
We had so much fun today on our school tour in the Mardyke Arena. We enjoyed all of the activities most especially the climbing wall!! A well earned day out after a busy year!

Visit from Tony Sheridan
Thanks to Tony Sheridan for coming to visit us today. All classes were delighted with his Irish Sign Language (ISL) lessons. It was a fantastic experience enjoyed by all!

Our Minibeast Study
We have been enjoying learning more about minibeasts this term. We had fun creating our own minibeasts using clay. We are also excited to observe the miracle of metamorphosis when our caterpillars change into Painted Lady butterflies!!!

Communion 2017
Communion Class 2017 On Saturday the 6th of May 2017 Second Class enjoyed celebrating their First Holy Communion. We were lucky to have a bright, dry day. Congratulations to all involved.

As an active school, we love participating in different events to keep us fit and healthy! RTE are celebrating 10 years of Operation Transformation this year, so as part of their celebrations they ran an initiative called 10@10, where every…